English Ministry

Inland EM is a multi-generational congregation that desires to pass on the gospel faith from generation to generation and beyond. We believe that this is a biblical principle (Deut 6:6-9; Ps78:5-8) that challenges us to teach gospel fluency to our children and to those around us. There is no better legacy to leave behind.
Being multi-generational means that we come alongside our Korean Ministry (KM) of Inland Church and work together for God’s Glory, Gospel, and Kingdom.
Our trust in His promise of eternal life links us together as a community of believers, fostering at the same time deep fellowship and great concern for those around us who do not yet share our faith.
And as a church, we are part of the Presbyterian Church in America. The PCA is an evangelical, reformed Presbyterian denomination with a commitment to the truth of the Bible and a passion for reaching the whole world with the good news of Christ.
EM Worship
You are invited to join us for our Christ-centered worship service on Sunday mornings at 9 am & 11:45 am as we respond in worship to the good news of Jesus Christ and His continuing work in our lives.